Gone in the Crowd: Human Trafficking and the Migrant Caravan


Recently, news agencies worldwide were captivated by the mass migration of over 5000 immigrants towards the U.S. border in pursuit of asylum. Immigrants, traveling in what has been dubbed as the human caravan, were escaping a life plagued with the violence, gang control, and gender inequality present in disadvantaged areas in the North American triangle (Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala) (Migrant caravan: What is it and why does it matter?, 2018). Many families traveled to seek a better and safer life in the United States, especially for their children. However, as they march to the U.S. border in search of future safety, these vulnerable individuals, including children, are being preyed upon by relentless human traffickers.

An Oaxaca ombudsman for the human rights commission informed HuffPost Mexico that around 100 caravan members, including children, fell to traffickers on route to Mexico. This number is likely lower than the true number of trafficking, as many trafficking crimes are not documented. Reports surfaced that transport companies along the caravan’s path were pressured not to help in picking up immigrants, forcing thousands to walk on foot on one of the most dangerous routes towards Mexico (Osborne, Around 100 migrant caravan members have been kidnapped by human traffickers, Mexican officials warn, 2018).

To warn the migrants of the pilgrimage’s perils, a group of courageous women whose children suddenly disappeared when crossing the border formed their own caravan. These courageous women marched from Honduras and El Salvador to Mexico to raise awareness about hazards of human trafficking, and to serve as a reminder that trafficking can occur to anyone, including, and especially, children (Rose, 2018). In the midst of all these atrocities, a beacon of hope is still present. On November 3rd, the Yucatan Times reported that at least 7 children were rescued and given food and shelter (Times, 2018) However, while the rescue of those 7 children is great news, it must be remembered that this happy ending is a result only for a lucky few. Countless other children are delivered into the merciless jaw of prostitution, forced labor, or worse. Children traveling with their parents for better life are being forcefully tripped into a worse one by hungry predators that target vulnerable populations.

In these atrocities, your help and action are needed. Though it is not possible to be physically present in the caravan to prevent these trafficking, there are meaningful ways to help. First, you can Donate to UNICEF to support its mission of providing safe drinking water, hygiene products, and psychological support that children really need. Another way to help is by Reaching out to your Elected Official to oppose federal action to slow down asylum procedures and voice your support for other positive policies. The asylum seekers are human beings with dignity, their children are innocent and deserving of oppprtunity, and their concerns should be responded to quickly. To find out who your representatives are, search your zipcode on the House of Representatives website. Most importantly, Educate Yourself on what’s going on and Educate Those Around You. Help dismantle the negative rhetoric by learning the facts about the caravan and informing others.

It is important to remember that children making the journey are escaping violence and searching for a better life. We cannot ignore the inhumane conditions that these migrants and their children are facing, because to ignore them is to diminish their suffering, and to ridicule their cause and sacrifice.